The Boaz House provides a 1 year-long program followed by a transition program that is available to each individual for up to 2 years. While participation in the transition program is optional, it is highly recommended.
Renewal Phase: Embracing Faith and Sobriety
In the Renewal Phase, individuals engage in a range of spiritual and recovery classes designed to foster a sense of ownership in their recovery and establish a solid foundation with Jesus Christ. They will acquire healthy coping skills through weekly group counseling sessions with a licensed chemical dependency counselor. Alongside individual counseling, they will work through the 12 steps to gain insights into the factors that may have contributed to their addiction.
Participants are encouraged to take advantage of various opportunities to serve the community, as giving back provides a sense of gratitude and fulfillment. They will also engage in creative activities such as Bible art, journaling, and gardening, with the goal of discovering and nurturing the gifts that God has bestowed upon them.
As part of the working ministry, participants will contribute to the care of the home and participate in fundraising activities to support their stay.
Empowerment Phase: Leading with Purpose
The Empowerment Phase involves a deeper level of recovery. Counseling will be provided to address any sexual trauma, if needed. Participants will be assigned leadership roles within the Ministry to support other women seeking freedom from addiction. They will attend leadership, goal setting, and life skills classes to prepare for graduation. Throughout this phase, they will continue to work with a mentor or sponsor.
Transformation Phase: Building a Better Future
During the Transformation Phase, participants who choose to remain in the program will begin seeking employment. They must stay committed to their recovery by engaging with growth-oriented reading materials. Attendance at a weekly recovery meeting, church services, and a weekly graduate meeting is required to help maintain their progress.
Next Steps Phase: Stepping out in Confidence
​In the Next Steps Phase, participants will begin to give back by assisting those entering the program. This can involve teaching a class, sponsoring someone, or helping the Ministry in various capacities.